getting to know our partner, we have learned that most of the Shelter
Residents are single mothers with multiple children, and many rely on
shared rides to search
for permanent housing and employment. In some cases transportation
expenses are the only thing keeping them from moving in with family
members willing to help. Your donation of one tank of gas will help them
move forward to achieve the stability they need.

Here are step-by-step instructions to purchase the card online. OR if you'd prefer, we would be happy to make the purchase for you! Just send $43 via PayPal to and we’ll take care of filling out the form.*
1. Go to
2. For "Card Value:" choose "Other Amount" and enter $40
4. For "To:" type "Nurjan Ahmedova" (she is the Community Coordinator at the Shelter)
5. In "From:" type your name
6. For "Personal Message:" type "May this gift Be A Blessing"
8. Double check the "Message Preview"
10. Click "CHECK OUT"
11. Enter your billing information and email
12. Click to accept the terms and conditions
13. Enter shipping address: Nurjan Ahemdova, 12970 Katherine Hanley Court,
Fairfax, VA 22030 (note: $2.95 shipping fee will be added)
14. Click PURCHASE
15. Click OK to confirm address (if prompted)
16. Social Media!!! Help us spread the word:
~Twitter: Tweet #40for$40 and tag us at @BeABlessingorg
~Facebook: Post #40for$40 on your timeline and tag one of Be A Blessing's Founders
Thank you for Being A Blessing today!
*You will receive confirmation of your donation directly from the Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter. Because
Shelter House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your financial
contribution is tax-exempt. Their tax identification number is 52-1217106.
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